Happy 2016 and other updates

First – I wish all readers and followers of my little blog, a happy, safe and rewarding 2016.

I notice that my little blog is still getting hits, so I thank you all most kindly.When I started my blog, it was with the hope that it would track my journey into some form of womanhood, and so I made it public and safe, with no sexy stuff of risqué photos, so that it was suitable for children and young adults looking for information on what others are going through. Unfortunately, I got glued into the closest. My fault, but I decided that the love of my wife Jay, and her love for me, was more important than gender emancipation, (if that’s the right word).

The hormones, even at the low level that my prostate is allowed, are doing a good job. My body hair continues to get thinner and thinner; my back no longer resembles a monkey’s; my chest hair has gone; my breast hair is very thin, and my arm hair has lost a lot of it’s colour and strength, which makes it invisible when I have tanned arms in the summer. My tummy hair is reluctant to go for some reason, as are the knees. Hanna (see my reading list) was bemoaning hair on her hands, but my hands and feet, together with my legs, were the first things I hit with the wax strips. I still have some hair on my hands, but it takes ages to grow now, and is thin and pale, so I don’t need to do them very much. I haven’t had to wax my legs for a couple of years now, bar the pesky knees of course.

I was hoping for some breasts by now, but even if they haven’t grown in actuality, they feel a nice size in my hand, and have that nice feel that Jay’s have. Viewed full on in a mirror they don’t look much at all.

The main thing about thinking of myself as a woman is that there is a big difference in how I perceive myself in my brain – and what I see in a mirror. The technique is not to let the mirror dissuade  me from my core feelings of self – and to look at myself as little as possible.

Christmas was fun, with all the GUKs (grown up kids) at home. I have recommenced underdressing most of the time , which keeps me sane and motivated. By most of the time, I mean all day from getting dressed after breakfast to getting undressed for bed at night. I have some super comfy nickers in short shorts style with Super Babe on them. I also tuck all the time, and this underwear keeps the essential bits that I hate so much, smoothed out and non-manly. It appeals to me to be womanised as far as possible when the GUKs are around – or anyone else for that matter, LoL.

That will do for now, but I have some gossip to share, so I’ll pop back again soon. Hugs to you all.


5 Responses to “Happy 2016 and other updates”

  1. susanmiller64 Says:

    Glad to see you are doing well and had a nice Christmas. Hope you got something cute.

    • Anna Arendt Says:

      Hi Susan,
      Thanks for your visit and comment. It seems we both had nice family Xmases, meaning girlie time was non-existent, but fun never the less. I’ve been to the shops looking for new underwear, but haven’t seen anything I like, LoL.

      I thoroughly enjoy your blog, and always look forward to reading about your fun.

      Have a fab year.
      All the best,

  2. TinaCortina Says:

    Hi Anna, just came by to visit and say Hi. Hope you are well and that you and your family have the same good Xmas hols in 2017 as you did last year. Take care x

    • Anna Arendt Says:

      Hello Tina. I was so pleased to see you name on the message. Perhaps you felt me thinking of you in the pasr few days. 🙂
      The complete family will be home for Xmas. Two of the breadsnappers are here already, cramping Anna’s style, LoL. We are quite well, concidering our age. He he.
      My daughter and partner recently lost their jobs when the firm they work for folded. Dee has a new job already and her partner has an interview teed up so things are changing and it could be for the better.
      Jay and I are still close, but the deal is – no Anna, so no change there, but life with Jay is still fun and loving.
      That’s enough about me. I hope you, A-M and your family and grandchild(en) are all doing well. Have a nice Xmas and 2017 and stay safe.
      Love and hugs.
      Anna. X

      • TinaCortina Says:

        Good to get your news and glad you were altogether (as we were now with 3 grandchildren!). Christmas is really special with kids even if you have to share them out with their partner’s family. My mother, + A-M’s father, both 91 joined us for 4 days and I also fetched my aunt now 94 for Boxing Day. it was really lovely. Tina quiet (very) but not forgotten. Happy New Year yo you all x

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